Female, British shorthair pedigree colourpoint kitten.
Price: 600.00 GBPFemale, British shorthair pedigree colourpoint kitten.
This little lady is 3 weeks old, and looking for her forever home & family. She was born on the 22nd
Oct and is ready to leave at 9 weeks- on or after the 24th December
She will be microchipped, treated against fleas & worms and Vet health checked prior to leaving us.
She is the cutest girl, so pretty and super loving too.
She comes with a sample of food, to avoid an upset tummy. (Royal canin mother & baby cat). A scent flannel (smelling of mummy and siblings) to help her settle and some toys.
Mum, Opal and Dad LUCKY live with us and are our beloved family pets. Both have been genetic health tested and are healthy and ***** from PKD/ALPS.
Both are full pedigree British shorthair Colourpoint’s. Mum has the softest fur and enchanting eyes and is sociable and affectionate. Dad is a chunky and handsome boy with a dense coat and good bone structure. He’s super laid back and a real lap cat.
If you are interested and would like to offer the little girl a forever home please contact me by text or WhatsApp. We can arrange a home visit or video call.
Please no emails requesting courier pick up, my PayPal etc. I’ve been breeding a while and
have seen all the scams!
A non refundable deposit of £150
is required to reserve her and the balance is payable on collection.
Regular photos, videos and contact will commence so you can watch your fur baby grow.
Questions and viewings welcomed,
Aldridge, WS9